

Glossary of terms
Our Web Traffic Analysis feature enables you to discover web traffic by users
with particular countries, cities, hosts, referrers and search terms. These users are
conveniently listed any may be investigated further to discover their web
browsing history.
Web browsing software such as Microsoft™ Internet Explorer™ or Mozilla Firefox.
Campaign conversion rates
An online campaign will deliver web traffic to your campaign entry pages. When these visitors view your commerce pages to perform a commercial action, they are said to be campaign conversions. The number of conversions divided by the number of visits to the campaign page provides a measure called the campaign conversion rate. A high conversion rate indicates a successful online campaign.
Campaign entry page
A campaign entry page is a page on your web site with a special name to indicate that traffic to the page originates from an online campaign. For example if your email campaign sends traffic to your "mail-promo.html" web page, you should put this in your web site settings to activate our reporting.
Campaign links
A campaign link is a particular link that you've set up for tracking. See our Link tracking guide for details about setting this up.
The change in a value compared with the previous period, which is normally the previous week. This is represented as a percentage.
A click on a link. We register a click whenever a user navigates from one web page to another inside a web site.
Color quality
The quality of color that may be displayed on the user's display monitor.
Commerce engine & phrase
A search engine and search phrase used by your custmomer to find your web site.
Commerce entry page
The first web page seen by a visiting user who then navigated to your commerce pages. Typically commerce entry pages have special names to indicate which affiliated web sites are delivering commerce web traffic. Read our Campaign guide and Commerce guide for more information.
Commerce from campaigns
The navigation to a commerce page from one of your campaign entry pages. Commerce from campaigns is a way to measure your return on investment (ROI) from online campaigns such as paid listings at Google™ and Overture™.
Commerce referrer
A web site with links to your web site. A web site commerce referral occurs when a user clicks a link to your site, then navigates to your commerce pages. Read our Commerce guide for more information.
Commerce search phrase
A phrase that visitors typed into search engines before becoming customers.
Commerce search word
A word that visitors typed into search engines before becoming customers.
Commerce traffic log
Web traffic to your commerce pages. This is a list of host computers, referrers, search phrases and the commerce pages that were visited, ordered by the time of day.
A conversion occurs when a commerce page is viewed by a visitor who entered your site at a campaign page. A high conversion rate indicates a successful online campaign.
A cookie is a small file that is stored on the user's computer to enhance the web experience and help track web activity.
The country where the user connects to the internet.
Daily web traffic graph
A summary of web activity on a web site over a number of days. Details include
the number of unique users, visits and page views per day.
Daily web traffic quality
A graph showing the quality of web traffic over a number of days. Details include the number of page views per unique user and page views per visit per day.
Downloaded files
A list of Adobe (PDF), Microsoft Word (DOC), and Microsoft Windows executable (EXE) files that have been downloaded from your web site.
Email campaign tracking
Emails you have sent that have been read by the people on your mailing list. Please see our email tracking guide for more information.
Entry page
The first web page seen by a visiting user. Entry pages usually indicate bookmarked pages and links in referring web pages.
Exit page
The last web page seen by a visiting user. Exit pages usually indicate the least interesting content in a web site.
A web folder, also known as a directory. For example, this page is "documents/glossary.php" so its web folder is "documents".
Host domains
The domain names of the host computers that connect your web users to the internet. Host domains are typically Internet Service Providers or large corporations.
Hour of the day
The number of page views and visits your web site receives per hour of the day. The time zone of the web site is used to calculate these figures.
Hourly web traffic graph
A summary of web activity on a web site over a number of hours. Details include
the number of visits and page views per hour.
Most web browsers may optionally view Java programs known as Applets. This capability may be enabled or disabled depending on the user's security preferences.
The user's preferred language, such as English or Spanish.
New user (visitor)
A user who visits a web site for the first time.
Operating system
The computer operating system installed on the user's computer, such as Microsoft™ Windows™ XP or Vista.
A web page, such as the one you are reading right now. Our page names usually include the directory and file names of the web page address, so this page is known as "documents/glossary.php" for example. Pages do not include "query strings" such as "?search=term" - see URLs below.
Page duration
The average duration (hours, minutes and seconds) that web visitors have spent reading your web pages.
Page navigation
The number of times web visitors clicked the links in your web site.
Page view
A single viewing of a web page. For example if a visitor to your site reads your home page once, and your contact page twice, they have made 3 page views during their visit to your web site. We track pages that contain our Site Stats HTML code. We are unable to track pages that do not contain this code.
An analysis of the paths that visitors take through your web site, showing a detailed breakdown of web traffic paths from each of your entry pages.
Recent web traffic
The most recent web traffic today. This is a list of host computers, referrers, search phrases and the web pages that were visited, ordered by the time of day.
Referral details
Details about referrals from one web page to another page.
Referrer path analysis
An analysis of the paths that visitors take through your web site, showing a detailed breakdown of web traffic paths from your referring web sites.
Referring search engine
A search engine with links to your web site. A search engine referral occurs when a user clicks a link to your site. Read our search engine guide for more information.
Referring web page
A web page with links to your web site. A web page referral occurs when a user clicks a link to your site.
Referring web site
A web site with links to your web site. A web site referral occurs when a user clicks a link to your site.
Regions and cities
The regions and cities where your web visitors live. These are displayed as a hierarchical tree graph so you can pinpoint cities inside states inside countries.
Returning user (visitor)
A user who has visited a web site before. For example a daily returning user is a user who visited on a previous day, and a weekly returning user is a user who visited on a previous week.
Screen resolution
The width and height in pixels of the user's computer display screen.
Most web browsers may optionally run small programs known as Scripts. This capability may be enabled or disabled depending on the user's security preferences.
Search engine & phrase
A search engine and search phrase used by a web visitor to find your web site. Read our search engine guide for more information.
Search engine spiders
Search engine spiders are automatic programs used by search engines to read your web pages, then add your key words to their search indexes.
Search phrase
A phrase typed into a search engine by a user to find your web site. Read our search engine guide for more information.
Search word
A word typed into a search engine by a user to find your web site. Read our search engine guide for more information.
Visits per page
The average number of visits to your web pages. During a visit, a user may view your page more than once so the number of page views is likely to be higher than the number of visits per page.
Time Zone
The user's time zone. This measure is useful for comparing web activity from the west coast and east coast of the USA for example.
Unique user
A unique user (also known as a "user" or "visitor") is a person who is using a web browser to view your web site. If their web browser accepts persistent cookies, then we are able to measure the user each time they view your web site. A user visiting your site for the first time is called a "new user". A user returing to your site is a "returning user".
URLs are similar to pages except they include the "query string" such as "?search=term", so an example of a URL would be "page.html?search=term" whereas the page would just be "page.html".
A visit (also known as a "session") is a period of time when a web user browses a web site. During the visit, the visitor may view many pages. For example a visitor who views your home page then your contact page twice has made a single visit with 3 page views. The first visit you make to a web site is called a "first time visit". Subsequent visits are called "return visits".
Web browser settings
Web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator may be setup to enable or disable various features. These
settings include cookies, Java and script. For example, some web users disable cookies and script to better protect their online privacy.
Visit duration
The duration in minutes of the visits to a web site.
Page views per visit
The number of page views a user makes when visiting your web site.
Web site interest
This is an indication of how interesting your web site content is for your web visitors. It is the proportion of visits to your site that lasted longer than one minute.
Web site stickiness
This is an indication of how compelling your web site content is for your web visitors. A high value of 5 or more page views per visit indicates that your web visitors are interested in your web site.
Web site visitor details
A list of details about your web site visitors. We are able to discover the company contact details for a small proportion of your web site visitors. We also include any extra information you send to us via our user survey code.
Web site visitors
A list of all your web site visitors, showing how many visits they made during the period, how they found your web site, their internet service provider and location in the world.
Web traffic log
A log of all the web traffic in a day. This is a list of host computers, referrers, search phrases and the web pages that were visited, ordered by the time of day.
Web traffic summary
A collection of statistics about a web site, which provide an executive summary of its web traffic.
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